Lineage Freight Forwarding Germany GmbH, Bremerhaven (2025)

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Lineage Freight Forwarding Germany GmbH

Columbus Spedition GmbH



Amtsgericht Bremen HRB 2291 BHV


Freiladestr. 1, D-27572 Bremerhaven


Die internationale und nationale Spedition sowie die Logistik und alle damit im Zusammenhang stehenden Geschäfte einschließlich der Frachtvermittlung. Die Gesellschaft darf andere Unternehmen gleicher oder ähnlicher Art errichten, übernehmen, vertreten und sich an solchen Unternehmen beteiligen.

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Nicht mehr Geschäftsführer: Johannes A. Poelman


Ge­sell­schafts­ver­trag· Name: Lineage Freight Forwarding Germany GmbH


Originaldokument: »Gesellschaftsvertrag / Satzung / Statut«


Originaldokument: »Liste der Gesellschafter«


Nicht mehr Geschäftsführer: Jochen Ilschner


Originaldokument: »Liste der Gesellschafter«

28.06.2022 als Columbus Spedition GmbH

Geschäftsführer: Jochen Ilschner· Nicht mehr Geschäftsführer: Hinrich Windler

15.06.2022 als Columbus Spedition GmbH

Geschäftsführer: Annegien Maria Kooij, Harld Johan Peters, Johannes A. Poelman· Nicht mehr Geschäftsführer: Jason Eugene Burnett, Michael J. McClendon

23.05.2022 als Columbus Spedition GmbH

Jah­res­ab­schluss zum 31.12.2021· Bilanz zum 31.12.2021

21.09.2021 als Columbus Spedition GmbH

Jah­res­ab­schluss zum 31.12.2020· Bilanz zum 31.12.2020

07.04.2021 über FRoSTA AG, auch 07.04.2021, 23.03.2021, 23.03.2021, 30.03.2020, 30.03.2020, 26.03.2020, 26.03.2020, 13.05.2019, 07.05.2019, 07.06.2018, 24.04.2018, 25.04.2017, 16.06.2016, 27.05.2015, 26.05.2015, 01.08.2014, 02.05.2014, 26.04.2013, 25.04.2013, 10.05.2012, 10.05.2012, 11.04.2011, 11.04.2011, 15.04.2010, 14.05.2009, 19.06.2008, 03.01.2008

Gesellschafter: FRoSTA AG

19.01.2021 als Columbus Spedition GmbH

Jah­res­ab­schluss zum 31.12.2019· Bilanz zum 31.12.2019

23.09.2019 als Columbus Spedition GmbH

Jah­res­ab­schluss zum 31.12.2018· Bilanz zum 31.12.2018

13.12.2018 als Columbus Spedition GmbH

Jah­res­ab­schluss zum 31.12.2017· Bilanz zum 31.12.2017

09.08.2017 als Columbus Spedition GmbH

Jah­res­ab­schluss zum 31.12.2016· Bilanz zum 31.12.2016

13.03.2017 als Columbus Spedition GmbH

Jah­res­ab­schluss zum 31.12.2015· Bilanz zum 31.12.2015

19.01.2017 als Columbus Spedition GmbH

Jah­res­ab­schluss zum 31.12.2015· Bilanz zum 31.12.2015

08.01.2016 als Columbus Spedition GmbH

Jah­res­ab­schluss zum 31.12.2014· Bilanz zum 31.12.2014

14.10.2014 als Columbus Spedition GmbH

Jah­res­ab­schluss zum 31.12.2013· Bilanz zum 31.12.2013

18.10.2013 als Columbus Spedition GmbH

Jah­res­ab­schluss zum 31.12.2012· Bilanz zum 31.12.2012


Anschrift· Kapital: 225.000 €· Ge­sell­schafts­ver­trag

14.09.2012 als Columbus Spedition GmbH

Jah­res­ab­schluss zum 31.12.2011· Bilanz zum 31.12.2011

17.11.2011 über Würfel Holding GmbH, auch 03.02.2011, 25.02.2010

Gesellschafter: Würfel Holding GmbH

15.11.2011 als Columbus Spedition GmbH

Jah­res­ab­schluss zum 31.12.2010· Bilanz zum 31.12.2010

06.12.2010 als Columbus Spedition GmbH

Jah­res­ab­schluss zum 31.12.2009· Bilanz zum 31.12.2009

22.12.2009 als Columbus Spedition GmbH

Jah­res­ab­schluss zum 31.12.2008· Bilanz zum 31.12.2008

06.03.2009 über Würfel Holding GmbH

Gesellschafter: Würfel Holding AG

08.01.2009 als Columbus Spedition GmbH

Jah­res­ab­schluss zum 31.12.2007· Bilanz zum 31.12.2007

21.05.2008 über

21.01.2008 als Columbus Spedition GmbH

Jah­res­ab­schluss zum 31.12.2006· Bilanz zum 31.12.2006


Kapital: 135.000 €

10.11.2005 als Columbus Spedition GmbH

Ein­tra­gung· Geschäftsführer: Hinrich Windler· Kapital: 52.500 €· Ge­sell­schafts­ver­trag· Fir­men­sitz: Bremerhaven· Name: Columbus Spedition GmbH· Un­ter­neh­mens­ge­gen­stand

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Lineage Freight Forwarding Germany GmbH, Bremerhaven (2025)


Lineage Freight Forwarding Germany GmbH, Bremerhaven? ›

Lineage is one of the world's leading temperature-controlled industrial REITs and integrated solutions providers with a global network of over 480 strategically located facilities, totaling nearly 2.9 billion cubic feet of capacity across countries in North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific.

What kind of company is Lineage? ›

Lineage is one of the world's leading temperature-controlled industrial REITs and integrated solutions providers with a global network of over 480 strategically located facilities, totaling nearly 2.9 billion cubic feet of capacity across countries in North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific.

Who owns lineage logistics? ›

Lineage (formerly Lineage Logistics) is the world's largest temperature-controlled warehouse real estate investment trust (REIT), owned by Bay Grove, LLC.

What does lineage logistics do? ›

A worldwide leader in cold storage and logistics

Our network of sophisticated, strategically located cold storage facilities offers comprehensive and innovative solutions for protecting your temperature-controlled products.

How much is lineage logistics worth? ›

Lineage Logistics, one of the largest cold storage and logistics companies in the world, is reportedly considering an initial public offering (IPO) with a valuation of more than USD 30 billion (EUR 27.8 billion).

Is Lineage Logistics a good company to work for? ›

Lineage has an employee rating of 3.4 out of 5 stars, based on 670 company reviews on Glassdoor which indicates that most employees have a good working experience there.

How many employees does lineage have? ›

Today, Lineage is responsible for storing, handling, and transporting food products across the U.S. and around the globe, operating over 480 warehouses in 18 countries with more than 26,000 dedicated employees.

Where is the headquarters of Lineage Logistics? ›

Who is the CEO of Lineage? ›

Greg Lehmkuhl,

As President & CEO of Lineage, Greg Lehmkuhl provides strategic leadership and oversees all facets of the organization's operations worldwide.

Did Lineage buy Burris Logistics? ›

Deal consists of 8 facilities in 6 states

Lineage Logistics, a real estate investment trust that specializes in temperature-controlled logistics, on Tuesday acquired the cold storage and e-commerce fulfillment assets of third-party logistics provider Burris Logistics for an undisclosed sum.

Who are Lineage Logistics' biggest customers? ›

While servicing household names like Amazon, Walmart and PepsiCo, Lineage Logistics has boosted its revenue 38 percent from 2017, anchored, in part, by the company's decision to invest in Michigan as its place to do business.

How much do lineage logistics executives make? ›

Lineage Salary FAQs
  • The average Lineage salary ranges from approximately $36,820 per year (estimate) for a Warehouse Associate to $257,979 per year (estimate) for a Vice President. ...
  • The highest-paying job at Lineage is a Vice President with a salary of $257,979 per year (estimate).

What is Lineage tracking? ›

Lineage Tracking is a data management practice that tracks the life cycle of data, including its origin, transformations, and usage over time.

Who is the richest logistics company in the world? ›

Top 10 Logistics Companies in the World in 2021 by Revenue

United Parcel Service Inc, Deutsche Post AG, FedEx Corp, A.P. Moller - Maersk AS, and Deutsche Bahn AG are the top 5 logistics companies in the world in 2021 by revenue.

How old is lineage logistics? ›

The Lineage of One Lineage. Our story began in late 2008, with a simple but ambitious vision: to build a company we would want to own forever. We started the journey with a single warehouse and have grown into the cold chain industry's largest player – and we're just getting started.

Will lineage logistics go public? ›

The filing, rumored to be worth USD 30 billion, reveals the company saw USD 5.34 billion in revenue in 2023.

What is lineage also known as? ›

Definitions of also known as. adverb. as known or named at another time or place. synonyms: a.k.a., alias.

What is the mission statement of lineage? ›

Our purpose is to transform the food supply chain to eliminate waste and help feed the world. We connect people to food, every day Across our facility network, proud and committed team members come to work with a shared purpose.

What are the values of lineage company? ›

Yet Lineage is defined by more than its purpose. At our core, we value not just what we do, but also how we do it. We look to our six values – Safe, Trust, Respect, Innovation, Bold and Servant Leadership – to help inform our choices and guide our behavior.

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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Views: 5569

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (52 voted)

Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.